100th Monkey, originally uploaded by markbult. See more pictures on Flickr.
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Riding my bike from Sacramento with Peace Spokes, the Whackenhuts, Corbin Harney, Clan Dyken, carpooling folks from Beatty back to the test site, Sara Seeds and the Seeds for Peace, tossing food into the holding pen, three days of music and some dude from the nearby shooting range coming over and shooting out our drum circle lanturn. And of course trying to stop nuclear testing. How could I forget the 100th Monkey? Which reminds me, I still owe Dr. Frank some money for a T-shirt.
Nathan and Shoshana of Native Youth Alliance here. Yes, we remember the 100th Monkey. It was one of the many actions at Nevada Test Site we were at from 1990-93. Nathan many times led us to the Cattle Guard with the drum and helped with the ceremonial fires. At one or more of those events we were exposed to radiation, and Shoshana has now been fighting Bone Marrow Cancer for the last 8 years as a result. We are now in Ann Arbor, MI, receiving treatment. We can be reached at NativeYouthAlliance@yahoo.com. Can anyone help us with our cancer relief project, Heritage of Healing? You can read about it in Indian Country Today at http://www.indiancountrytoday.com/archive/28397739.html. It would be nice to hear from any other Test Site folks.
I lived in Las Vegas then and I was there for the protest and that incredible fundraiser show out at Red Rock. X and Wavy Gravy in the same place. Was it Dave and his Blue Food Bus? I remember the guy with the gun! I found this by trying to find online info about this great project. Soon after the project, nuclear testing finally was stopped at the site, but there is still a lot to take care of in terms of indigenous people, the environment, downwinders…
Nathan and Shoshanna: I remember you two. I hope you fare well.