Straight from the time machine is this somewhat dated looking design, the original Bay Area Action website, created by Steve Glikbarg of Impact Online in 1995.
While this design looks a little old-fashioned by today’s standards, this was actually a very clean and cutting-edge design for 1995. Remember that 1995 was practically the birth of the web (or the “World Wide Web,” as it was still being called).
For a little perspective, consider that AOL was still a private community that you had to dial into to use, the Netscape browser was still in beta, there was no such thing as Firefox, Facebook, MySpace, or Google, and even Yahoo! was brand new.
Some of that original BAA site is still archived online, although many of the deeper-linked pages are missing, such as the Electric Vehicle Project’s MG conversion manual.
Impact Online would later go one to become the widely-used
Thanks for the compliments – but the really amazing thing is that in 1995 BAA was even interested in going online. So many nonprofits were terrified of putting information on the web. Seems crazy now but that is how a lot of organizations felt. BAA was very cutting edge and trusting. Thanks!